Page 11 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 11

n         ,  , ,            TdNc cuc rEu crudn oo ludne cnAr rugr,ro 3ff:i#lTjiu*3,*ounnQu6cViQt'

       $uate         st I *,,JTiilT;T,lf i;;Hiiffir',',Kr:,?i:[*n, E;ff.llffi#r.ff ffi l]l?
                                       Quotity Arrur.on.. ond Testins Center I

        s6*' JolT             ITNt ^L

                                        KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                       TEST  RESULT

        t. T&rrr#rttsampte:                        r.r6crneoAororv
        2. Kh6ch hing lCustomer:   c0lrc ry rNHH TH{ro}Ic na4rvA sAx xuArDA LgI
        :, Sii tuqng mi$ tQunntity:                         0l
        4. Tinh tr?ng tfintstrrt*  o7 **pt, :        Hiahmh *im theo
        5. Ngy fu  t&a tk*nprr"" *u:                   os l9 /m$
        6- Tffii gian eir r€hifu #i're *ftosting:       tll9l20t9

         TT               TENCIIITIEU                 PHUOIIGPHAPTHU                 i."*"." KET  QUA
        Ite*x              Snerifia.ations                 Test ndhod               :lr;th  Resul*
          I    Thlnh phinh6ahge              o/a       ASTM E1086:2014
               Choafuul unpositiotx
                   r  Carton                 C
                   r  Silicon                Si
                   r  Sulfur                  S                                             0,0CI#4;
                   o  Phosphorus             P                                              o,olg*,
                   o  Manganese              Mn                                             0,8316
                   r  Nickel                 Ni                                             8,1246
                   r  Chromium               Cr                                            18,28/j6
                   r  Molybdemm              Mo                                             0,00?3
                   e  Vanadium               V                                              0,1384
                   .  Copper                 Cu                                             0,0638
                   r  Tungsten               W                                              0,0049
                   r  Titanium               Ti                                             0,0050

                 PT.PH0NGIT$W                                                                  / DIRECTOR
                        HedafLAB.l              iit:iil:i                      %!;
                                                                               9"/t  -

                       Briri Tklnh Nem


                    t.  Phidu kEt quii ndy chi c6 gid tri itiii voi mdu thrh do khdch  hdng itua toi.
                         This test results is value only  for  samples  taken  by customer.
                    )   Kh6ng duo. c trlch sao mAiphin kbt qud nayiiiu kh6ng  tluo. c str itilng  i,  ctia trung  tdm Ki thudt 1.
                        This  test results shall not reproduced except  in  full,  wlthout  the wriiten approved of  QUATEST  l.
                    3.   TAn mdu vd t€n khdch  hdng duqc ghi iheo y4u cdu cia khdch  hdng.
                        Name  of sample and customer  are written as customer's request.
         TN\BI!405.3                                                                   Uan hAnh: 03.2019
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