Page 10 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 10

n         ,  , ,           rdn. cuc rEu cnudru oo rudruo cxAr rugruo  3ff'.i#:liii,[,'ounn         Qu6c Vist'

       Quat       e st 1,*, * n' iiilT;T, ll T ;Hiiffir,:,Kr:,?;il[*n,  Ei f,liffi6l"im,ruxa l]                 ""
                                       Quority Arruron." ond Testins center I

       soN,,  20,t9  tLLg    Irt/t - l

                                       KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                      TEST  RESULT

       t.f€nrf|dulsampte:           -            faY fAttl GEKO-TI{  TOlry
       2. Khach hing icurtomrr,  COXC TY TNHH THTIOI\f6 *r4.r VA SAX XUAI DA LqI
       a S6tugng mdutgun"tity:                             0l
       4. Tinh trang zniulstatas of knpte:          Hinh *rh kem theo
       5. Npy rlfrglr-rf,an tne*uptian *te             05 I I I zAW
       6. Thii  da$  tHr nglih lTinr af *t;ng;:        ll I 9 I 2Ol9
         TT              TENCIIITIEU                  PHUONGPHAPTHU                  ,. .   KET  QUA
        Items             Soecificaions                   Testttdhd                 .,,,'  ,.. .   Results
          I    Thinhphinh6ahgc              t/o        ASTM E10t6:2014
                  r  Carton                  C                            lt,.
                  r  Silicon                 Si                            i, iil*,r'rifi
                   o  Sulfur                 S                               iili?,.ri.i,"
                   r  Phosphorus             P                                 :."' ,l
                   o  lvfanganese           Mn                                 tt ,r:
                   o  Nickel                 Ni                                             0,801I
                  r  Chromium                Cr                                            13,5987
                  .  tllolyMernrm           Mo                                              0,0357
                   o  Vanadium               V                                              0,1219
                   .  Copper                 Cu                                             0,7281
                   e  Tungsten               W     'r'l,liiLh.;.                            0,01l0
                   r  Titanium               Ti    ''  ",":l'ir'.ir,                        0,0040


                                            i!,   tl,iltl,,                    hr   HdN6i.      tI/9/2019
                 PT. PIIONG III             j\il,u  ,il:l  ti:l                V4   ^-z
                        Hedaf                 ,ri?lriill;l:,i,                  tr*


                                                                                   Jtr{rrg[",/fp Wi:ru,rr

                    t.  Phi6u kAt qud ndy chi c6 gid tri itiit voi mdu thti do khdch  hdng itua toi.
                        This  test results is value onlyfor samples  taken  by customer.
                    2.  Kh6ng ilu.oc trlch sao mjt"phdn i& qud nay ndu kh6ng  duqc sU il6ng)t cia trung tdm Ki thuAt I.
                        This  test results shall not reproduced  except  in  full,  without the wriiten approved of  QUATEST
                    3.  T€n mdu vd tin khdch  hdng duqc ghi iheo y€u cdu cia khdch  hdng.
                        Name of sample  and customer  are written as customerb  request.
         TN\BNAOs.3                                                                             Lan ban hinh: 03.2019
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