Page 6 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 6

frg s6 chinh:  56 8 Hodng  Qu6c ViQt,
                                   TONG CUC TIEU CHUAN DO rUONG CHAT tUgNG              C6u Gidy -.Hd Noi
                                                                                        Iel:024 38361  399  Fox: 024 38361  I 99
                                   Directorote  for Stondords Metrology  ond Quolity    Web: www.quotestl
        Quatestl              TRuNG rAu rcY uuflr nEu cxuAru so cHAr rugrue  r Co s6 2: Khu CN Nom Thdng Long,
                                       Quolity Assuronce  ond Testing Center   'l       Bdc TiJ Liem - Hd Noi
                                                                                        lel:024 3219]002  Fax:024 3219]00]
                      /t,11! / ra)t  - t
        soNo, W0                                                                                  TranglYug":. /'l-

                                        KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                       TEST  RESULT

        l.TEnrniulsampte:                           rce6CffiOxT0lff
        2. Khach hinglcustomer:  cONc rY TI\IHH TmIONG tu4r vA sAx xuAr EA Lgr
        3. S6luqng nilylfuannry:                            0l
        4. Tinh tqng lnoiialsuus  of {ie*ple:        Hinh brh kim theo
        5. Ngfly at$nnhtl&ereption&te:                  AS I 9l20l9
        6- Tlri  qias  thfr rglifu  lTitre af te*ting:   ll  I I l29l9

                                                                                                tI /9/2019
                  rr. ruouctntf uesnt*rr
                         Head of I-48.1

                                                                                                M DOC
                       'nrruuraru                                                  lW,ffW%fu-----,-
                       BiiThluh Nam
                    t.   pttfeu  rct qud ndy chi co gid *i ttiif vA mdu thth do khdch  hdng dua toi.
                         This  test results is value onlyfor samp,les  taken  by customer.
                    2.  Kh6ng cluqc trlch sao mQt phdn k€t qud ndy nAu kh6ng  du.oc sU it6ng  i)  cfia trung tdm Ki thuQt  1.
                         Ihis test results shall not reproduced except  in  full,  without  the wriiten approved of  QUATEST  I .
                    3.  TAnmduvdt€n  khdch  hdng duqc ghi theoy€u cdu cfiakhdch hdng.
                        Name of sample and customer  are written as customerb  request.
          TN\BI\405.3                                                                           Lan ban hanh: 03.2019
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