Page 9 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 9

n         r  ,              T6Nc cuc nEu cxuAru oo rudrue crAr rugrue  3ff:fi1iiiu*3,'ounnQu6cMQt'

       Su     at e st 1,*,,,, n' Tiil'#T, rI,'i; ; Htlffir',",Kr :,?I :l[, n, E] ffiTffiEi.ff i ?ft  ru :::;
                                       Quotity Arrwon". ond Testins center I

        sorN,, Zfl  l,lt    g  l  TAk-  e                                                        Trangeug":.  %

                                        KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                       TEST  RESULT

        t. TEnntiu/sampte:                      rav rAu cEKGTI{ITotff
       z.Khech hingicrstoner:  cONcTYTNHHTHUoI{GtuA'rvAsAxxuArDALgr
        f . Si tugng miu tgu*riE:                          0l
       4. Tinhtrflg niul&ansoffwttplc:               Hirihfu*Hmrlwo
       s.Ngryulrenrrl6rttkeptimtue:                    05 l9l20l9
       6, Thoi gian tht  ry:hnfu  ffire af testing:    ll I 91 zAI9

         TT               TENCITiTIEU                 PHUOI{GPHAPTHU                u.i;..  KET  QUA
        Itenx             Soecifications                   Tql ndhd                 .,1[J[,.S,:*.. Resul*
          I    Thinh phiin h6a hgc:                    ASTM 81086:2014             rfij"rt:d,-n
                   r  Carton                 C                            ar,",l           #Hqre
                   r  Silicon                si                            tBi              effi--
                   r  Sulfur                  S                                             0,0w
                   .   Phosphorus            P                                              0,oami
                   r   ldanganese            Ivfn                                           0,7735
                   e  Nickel                 Ni                                             8,0163
                   .  Chomium                Cr                                            18,1784
                   r   lldotybdemrm          Mo                                             0,0203
                   r  Vanadium               v                                              0,0901
                   .   Copper                Cu                                             0,2449
                   r   Tungsten              w                                              0,0007
                   r  Titanium               Ti,                                            0,0032

                 PT. PHONGTII}             I                                                   I DIRKTOR
                                                                             '*/   TiliLitG   r,
                                                                             11,,.,.1i  irui{

                                                                             W,,,ry.#                  a2

                    1.  Phiiiu h* qu,i nay chi cd gid tri diii voi mdu th,h do khdch  hdng dua tdi.
                        This test results is value onlyfor samp.les  taken  by customer.
                    )   Kh6ng duo. c trich sao mQt phdn kdt qud ndy n1u kh6ng  ttuqc sU d6ng  r,  aia trung tdm K! thudt L
                        This  test results shall not reproduced except  in  full,  wlthout  the wrihen approved of  QUATEST   I .
                    3.  T€n mdu vd tin khdch  hdng duqc ghi iheo y4u cdu ctia khdch  hdng.
                        Name  of sample and customer  are written as customer's  request.
         TN\BI\405.3                                                                            L6n ban hdnh: 03.2019
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