Page 5 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 5

Qudc Vi6t'
       n         ,      .  ,       TdNG cuc nEu cxudru oo cxAr rugne  3Hr':fi'ltiiu*3,'ounn

              at e st 1,*,, n' IiilTT, l,l T ; ixiiffir:,Kr :,H :[^. n, E: [11!1ft ffi  l] i"
       Su                              Quoti{y Arrur.on". ond Testins center I

        sorNo,  20tl0 /l,t t  g  |fil  l  -e

                                        KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                       TEST  RESULT

        t.T*nrfiutsampte:               eAru tE e 16  pnAn  erE-rrRAr   pgnr  c0lrorv
        2. Khach  hdng icastomer:  coxc rY TIIHE TEtlOl{c tu$r vA sAx xuAr DA LOI
        f. S6tuqng mhllgan"tity:                           0l
       4. Tinh tqng mEu/Slcrns of &mple:             Hir& anh *im tfuo
        5. NgFy n@r&t tXrxpt*r, A*:                    05 I 9 I 2Ol9
        6.TBigan*ftryhi@lTireaftestiag:                 ll  l9lL0l9

         TT               TENCIIIfiEU                 PHTIONG PHAPTIII.I             li":,  KET  QUA
        Itent              Specifrcdions                   Test n dhod              i,ftlih  Results
               ThinhphinLdahgc               o/s
          1                                            ASTM 810t6:2014
               Chaniul corycxitioae
                   o  Cabou                  C                            ?{iiiri"          ffim827
                   .  Silicon                Si                            i.j              ffi"
                   r  Sulfir                  S                             i               0,ow$[
                   .  Phosphorus             P                         '  :.l:i,'.,,        0,0affir
                                                                         i,*'..  i
                   r  lv{arEanese            IVfn                                           0,9J98
                   r  Nickel                 Ni                                             I 0361
                   r  Ckomium                Cr                      $ffi                   18,2298
                   .  MdyMerum               Mo                                             0.028s
                   o  Vanadium               V                                              0,1 100
                   .  Copper                 Cu                                             0,13 15
                   r  Tungsten               W                                              0,0029
                   r  Titanium               Ti                                             a,ffi27

                                      't-  't't


                                                                                    HdNfli,ngry  ll/9i2019
                  PT. PHONG  TETT                                                   #Hdc       t DTRECToR
                         Hedof IAB.I

                                                                                              GIAM DOC

                    L   Phi6u kiit qud nay chi c6 gid tri d6i voi mdu thti do khdch  hdng itua toi.
                         This test results is value only  for  sam4les  taken  by customer.
                    2.  Kh6ng tluqc tr{ch sao mQt phdn kit qud ndy n€u kh6ng  duo. c stt ct6ng  i,  cia trung tdm K! thudt l.
                         This  test results shall not reproduced  except infull, without the wriiten approved bf  QUATEST  L
                    3.   T€n mdu vd t€n khdch  hdng duqc ghi iheo  yOu cdu cia khdch  hdng.
                        Name of sample  and customer  are written as customerb  request.
          TN\EI\405.3                                                                           Lan ban ha:rh: O3.2Ol9
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