Page 4 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 4

n                  ,       rdnc cuc rEu cHuAu oo rudxo crAr rugr'ro  3ff".i&'lii,;i,3,lou"nQu6cvi6J

       Qu    at e st I *, * n' iiii:I;'i, ir H ; Hil ffir,:,Kr :,H:'.[ * n, E; [,:!l] 61"fi ffi ll J"
                                      Quority  Arruron..  ond Testins Center I

                                       KET QUA THU NGHIEM

                                                      TEST  RESULT

       t.Tlnrriatilsampte:               gAtr  LE e u6 mr6rc  pxAn  arElc0erorv
       2. Khech himgicustomer: COTIC TY TNHI{ TEIIOI{G U4,r VA SAX XUAT DA LqI
       :. S,i tugng mfui lguannty:                         0l
       4. Thh trnng miu/Sralr*s  oftxnpte:          Hinhuhkimtfuo
       5. Npy t@a fifu lReeptim, tuc:                  os l9l2al9
       6- ?h&i  gim tliit  ryhiem  fi\m af *sang.      ttl9l2019
        TT               TENCIII  TIEU                PHUONGPHAPTHU                 .,1r,,  KET  QUA
        Itenx             Speciftcuions                   Tatmdhod                 ,ftI;iii':r. Resale
         I     Thinhphirhdahge              oh        ASTM E10t6:20 4             ,ri4:Hji1H
                  r  Carton                  C                           '",iri,           :S.ffiol
                  r  Silicon                 Si                           'e:,.If          ffir,
                  I  Sulfur                  S                                             o,oHsfffr
                  r  Phosphorus              P                          $ir,'   ,:         o,omr
                                                                       .,  : ;: ti,rJ":r
                  e  lManganese             Mn                       .                      1,0141
                  r  Nickel                 Ni                       r.xj                  8,1733
                  r  Chromium               Cr                       .,,1  TiIEHiHtr       r8,6206
                  r  Mofubdmrm              Mo                       [;flt,   "n+1tt       0,1013
                  r  Vanadium                V                       ii    i,              0,0927
                  .  Copper                 Cu                           ,qIT              0,2398
                  e  Tungsten                W                       '    {:t              0,0068
                                                                     t it,:
                  o  Titanium                Ti                      ,::iif il,#l          0,0030

                                     ,,ffi  IE

                                                                                   Hd NOi. nsav 1I i I / 2019
                 PT. PHONGTHTf
                        H€dof IAB-l
                                                                                i{,  tr'x


                       Biri Thfuh Nam

                    t.  Phidu kAt qud ndy chi c6 gid t4 diii voi mdu thtb do khdch  hdng itua toi.
                        This  test resul*  is value only.for  samples  taken  by custotiler.
                    2.  Kh6ng du.oc tr{ch sao mdiphi"  kit qud ndy nAu kh6ng  duqc sU il6ng! cia trung tdm Ki thuAt t.
                        This test results shall not reproduced  except  in  full, ryithout   the wriiten approved of  QUATEST   L
                    3.  T€n mdu vd tAn khdch  hdng  duo. c ghi theo y*u cdu cia khdch  hdng.
                        Name of sample  and customer  are written as customer's request.
         TN\BI\405.3                                                                            Lan ban hanh: 03.2019
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