Page 3 - co-cq-vach-ngan
P. 3

n         ,  , .             t6NG cuc rEu cnudru oo rudrue cxAr rugue  3ffUi&lliSu*3,'otnnQudcvQt'

       Su     at e st I *,  -     J Iffi :['i, l] T ; i:lii ffir,:,Kr :,?I:l[  -   ",  E:{1Tilii6l"iffi l,.      "
                                       Quolify Arrwon". ond Testins center I

        so/No, l0 t 0  /21  tg  rN l- t o                                                        Tranglvug":...

                                        KET QUA THI,/ NGHIEM

                                                       TEST  RESULT

        1. T&rrdau/sampte:                      cnAx sfc rroxc0nrorv
        2. Kh6ch hing I Customer:  c0uc ry rNHH rEroNG u+r vi sAN xuAr DA Lgr
        l. Si tugng rfru lguanaty:                          0l
        4. Tirrh tr4ng m6/5?aras                     Hinhwh*dnttlwo
        5. Ngiy rhfun t&t tRe@ptioa tu e:               a5l9l20t9
        6" Thoi gffi thti  €hifu  |firc af tes*ng:      ttl9l20t9

         rr               TENCIIITIEU                 PHUTINGPHAPTHU                 ::.,',.,  KETQUA
        Ite*x              Soecifrcdions                   Tat nshd                 ,"jlj.,i:r. Resul*
          I    Thinh phinh6a hgc             e/s       ASTM  81086:20 l4
               Chadml  conpositians
                   r  Carton                 C                           :altr 'w
                   *  Silioon                Si                            rtl
                   o  Sulfur                  S                             i               o,cffii
                   e  Phosphorus             P                           rlr,  i .          0,osffi
                   r  lVlanganese            Mrt                      # ti1trffi            1,3365
                   r  Nickel                 Ni                       '"a I .ihr--,',,o*ur:  8,0720
                   r  Ctrmmium               Cr                                             18,3417
                   r  it{oil:&demrm          Mo                      h,lr'ffi               0,0082
                   o  Vanadium               V                       f4                     0,1356
                   .  Copper                 Cu                           ffi               0,4452
                   r  Tungsten               W                       ir   ".Ii              0,0001
                   r  Titanium               Ti                       .ir[,.:i.t            0,0036

                                                                                    HdNfli,ngcy lI/9/2019
                 PT. PEONG  TEU                                                f1,-$ry    Dbc tDIRECToR
                         Ittl-                                              {"i;ill#

                       Bti Thinh Nam
                                                                                            GIAM DOC

                    I.  fniifu *et qua nay chi c6  Sia n  a6i voi mdu th,h do khdch  hdng itua toi.
                         This test results is value only  for  samp.les  taken  by customer.
                    2.  Kh6ng dugc tich sao mQt phdn kdt qud ndy nAu kh6ng  ttu.oc stf it6ng  !,  cia trung  tdm Ki thudt 1.
                         This  test results shall not reproduced except  in  full,  ulithout  the wriiten approved bf  QUATEST  l.
                    3.   TAn mduvd t€n khdch  hdng &ryc ghi iheo y1u cdu crta khach  hdng.
                        Name  of sample and customer  are written as customer's request.
          TN\BI\405.3                                                                           Lin ban hdnh: O3.2Ol9
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